More severe side effects may occur after the second Corona vaccination with one of the mRNA vaccines – BioNTech or Moderna. Two experts explain why.
The Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer vaccines have an excellent reputation in the fight against Corona. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the risk of infection is reduced by about 90 percent two or more weeks after the second dose. However, more severe side effects may occur after the second vaccination. That’s what new data on mRNA vaccines suggest.
What side effects increase after the second vaccination?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), among others, reports that according to data on the Corona vaccine Moderna, the second vaccination can cause a stronger body reaction, or side effects. The most common side effects, which the agency says can last several days, are:
Pain at the injection site
Muscle pain
joint pain
swollen lymphs
nausea and vomiting
Significant differences between first and second vaccinations
Comparing the data from people who complained of their bodies’ reactions to the vaccines, the difference in one symptom is particularly clear, according to CDC data: chills. While 14 percent of those vaccinated suffered from chills after the first BioNTech dose, 35 percent did after the second vaccination. Four percent of the 18- to 55-year-old respondents had to deal with fever after the first vaccination. After the second injection of the vaccine, 16 percent had a fever.
Tiredness was complained of by 47 percent during the first vaccination and 59 percent after the second, and headaches by 42 percent and 52 percent, respectively. And muscle pain was also more common after the second dose (21 and 37 percent, respectively).
For the Moderna mRNA vaccine, the numbers are in a similar range, and in some cases even higher:
Fatigue (38.5 percent vs. 68 percent)
Muscle pain (24 percent vs. 61 percent)
Nausea (9 percent vs. 21 percent)
Chills (9 percent vs. 48 percent).
Also of interest: how dangerous is a “covid arm”?
Why are side effects more severe with mRNA vaccines after the second vaccination?
Professor Carsten Watzl is an immunologist. Weekly he explains on YouTube the latest knowledge about Corona. Watzl says one reason for the delayed immune response is related to the innate immune system. “This reacts to the contained RNA during the first protective vaccination with an mRNA vaccine. The biomolecule is a carrier of important information in the cells. With its help, the immune response builds up in the human body as a result of the initial vaccination. Then, during the second vaccination, the trained immune system is activated in addition to the innate one.” This strengthens the body’s response.
Martina Prelog sees it similarly. She, too, is an immunologist and professor at the University of Würzburg (Bavaria). Prelog: it is a good sign that the immune system reacts to the second vaccination. “Vaccination stimulates the immune system to function in memory. The side effects occur as part of a ‘good’ inflammatory response.” Thus, he said, the immune system is activated again by the second vaccination and releases messenger substances. “And these cause symptoms such as fever, pain or nausea.”
Skip second vaccination?
After the Corona vaccination, many people feel no reaction or only a very mild reaction of the body. Sometimes the symptoms can be unpleasant, but they are still really dangerous in very rare cases, according to current knowledge. Saving the second vaccination just to avoid possible headaches is not a good idea. The vaccination protection is then not fully given.
Martina Prelog: “Everyone should definitely take the second vaccination! So the immune system is stimulated to an even better memory reaction and also develops an even better immune response.” That means higher antibody levels and more memory cells are produced.
CDC. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Overview and Safety.
CDC. Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Overview and Safety.
FDA. Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. and
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